solid hatch (logos) printing

by stan letts
(calgary, alberta canada)

I saved a dwg file from autocadd 2009 down to autocadd 2005. When I insert a block (company logo) in paper space the fill does not show when I plot it. If I insert the block logo in model space the fill will show properly.
I have tried to recreate the logo but the solid fill will not show in paper space??

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Feb 17, 2012
hatching / plotting
by: Sarah

Does the hatch show up at all in paper space? before you even go to plot window? if not then perhaps it's a scale issue. while in model space scale your logo down or just try to change the scale to be very small. this way when you copy past into paper it shows up. Or is it possible to just creat a new boundary for the area that you want filled?

Feb 17, 2012
solid hatch (logo) printing 2
by: STAN

The hatch (solid fill) shows in paper space before I go to the plot window.In the plot window the hatch(solid fill) does not show.

The block(logo) was originally created as a raster image(scanned)I tried loading an object enabler from autodesk to modify the block but was not successful.

If I open the saved down file in 2005 and paste everything into a new file in 2005 and insert the block (logo) the fill appears normal. Very strange. I may look at creating a new block.

Nov 14, 2014
Solid hatch printing: Fillmode
by: Anonymous

Set fillmode to 1.

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