AutoCAD Quick Select Command

by Jeff Weber
(Vincennes, Indiana USA)

QSELECT is an AutoCAD command that I started using a few versions back.

It is a command that lets you filter specific items out of the whole drawing or an already selected set of objects.

If you enter QSELECT on the command line a dialog box comes up.

The first thing you need to do is specify if you want to apply the parameters to a selection set or the whole drawing.

Next you need to specify an object type (circles, splines, polylines...etc)

Then further define what you are looking for by selecting a specific property (color, lineweight, diameter...etc)

Next you need to tell it if you want all these items selected or removed by selecting an operator and a value depending on your object type and properties.

So, if I want to select every green circle within a drawing I would set it as follows:

APPLY TO: Entire Drawing
OBJECT: Circle
VALUE: Green

This command has a lot of options and is very powerful. I use it often.

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Apr 03, 2010
Please Give Me Solution

There is one problem with me in AutoCAD Qselect.

If I select color I can not select layer and vise versa.

(for ex: 1)

There are the same characters one is red and second is green but they are in same layer wall

2) There is other character but color is green and layer is different window so if I select by layer, its automatically selecting all characters red and green wall and I am selecting green so its automatically selecting all green wall and window objects.

But I want to select one character that is in a wall layer and color is green so this is my problem if any body have solution of this problem please send me on my mail

Your Friend

Mohammad Taher Hussain (CAD Operator)

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