by Jeff Weber
(Vincennes, Indiana, USA)

AutoCAD plot dialogue window showing Named plot styles

AutoCAD plot dialogue window showing Named plot styles

What does the CONVERTPSTYLES Command in AutoCAD do? In our office we use a “Color Dependent” plot style when plotting. “Color dependent” is just what it sounds like; the color of an object determines how it is plotted.

This allows us to control how the drawing will plot by assigning each object a color.

Once in a while I will start a new drawing from scratch by selecting “New” from the “file” pull down.

When I do this AutoCAD, by default, creates a drawing that uses a “Named” plot style.

(FYI Named plot styles have an .stb extension while Color Dependent styles have a .ctb file extension)

Starting from scratch does not seem to be a problem until you complete your drawing and proceed to plot it, only to find out that your plot style in no where to be found.

No need to worry.

If you enter CONVERTPSTYLES on the command line and hit enter, AutoCAD will convert your drawing from a "Named plot style" to a "Color dependent plot style" drawing.

Also at this point AutoCAD will give you a warning indicating the following:

This command converts a Named plot style drawing to use Color Dependent plot styles.

All plot style names will be removed from objects. Named plot style tables will be detached from the drawing.

Basically AutoCAD is saying “Are you sure you want to do this?”

Just click on OK.

Now select plot from the FILE pull-down menu.

At this point you should be able to see your "Color Dependent plot style" in your PLOT dialogue box and plot as you normally would.

Also be aware, as the warning said, all the "Named plot styles" have been removed and all that you will see at this point are "Color Dependent styles".

This is a command that I had to look up several times.

It is not one that is listed in a textbook that I could find.

It is however one that I have found very useful.

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Nov 28, 2010
by: Mel

Thank you so much.

Just recently I was asked by my boss regarding this.

We had one drawing that was set to use STB rather than CTB and we cant do anything to change it.

What I did is transfer the whole drawing into another sheet that is set to CTB and just edit the title block.

Now you taught me how to do it properly with the CONVERTPSTYLES command.

That is very good. Thank you so much.

Oct 19, 2011
Convert plotstyles
by: Jim


In your article, you say that Autocad defaults to named plot styles when you start a new drawing.

This can be changed by the following:
Tools, Options, Plot & publish, Plot style table settings, Default plot style behaviour, and then choose either color or named.



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