Question Regarding AutoCAD Layers

by Zeq

Q. Hello, I am a rather new user of Autocad, and I am having a problem.

Is it possible to merge the different layers in Autocad into a single layer, without losing their distinct styles?

Eg, Layer 1 is Green with 0.5 Lineweight, and Layer 2 is Blue with 1.0 Lineweight.

I merge Layer 1 into 2, and it remained Green instead being turned into Blue.

Something akin to "Flatten Image" function in Photoshop.

My issue is that I am trying to convert my .dwg files into .pdf files, but I would rather not have my Layers displayed on my .pdf files.

Thanks in advance


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Jul 12, 2010
Merging AutoCAD Layers and Plotting PDF's
by: Anonymous

Hello Zeq,

When you use the LAYMRG Express Tool in AutoCAD, the properties on the entity you want to merge will update to the properties of the target layer, so long as the entities you want merged, were not changed from their original LAYER settings.

After a layer is setup, sometimes CAD operators will manipulate a single entity's LINEWEIGHT or COLOR individually, by selecting the entity and changing it's properties.

This can cause problems later on, if merging is required.

It's best to first select all the entities you want merged, and change their properties back to the original settings, i.e. BYLAYER. Then run the LAYMRG command.

Often times when we receive drawings from other firms, many of the entities are drawn randomly on 1 or 2 layers.

The original drafter may have decided it was easier to create the drawing by simply using the COLOR, LINETYPE and LINEWEIGHT pulldown menus, and change to different settings as he/she worked.

This can create quite a mess in the long run, but is common.

What we like to do, is change ALL the enities back to their original settings first, before attempting to clean up a drawing file, or MERGE / DELETE layers.

If you only have a few entities you need merged into another layer, you may want to try the "Property Painter" tool.

You can modify the settings of the Property Painter to override the manually selected settings of an entity, so that ALL properties are updated to the target layer.

Then, simply use the PURGE command to get rid of the unwanted layer.

If I am understanding your .pdf problem correctly... you are creating a .pdf file by plotting to a .pdf, but the layer colors are appearing in the plotted .pdf. Let me know if this is not the case.

If so, you can avoid having the layer colors appear in the .pdf file by setting your Viewport to "Plot with Plot Styles".

You can do this in "Page Setup", under "Plot Options".

We often use a .ctb file to define lineweights and plot colors, so if you are using .ctb file, be sure the "Display plot styles" box is checked.

Jul 18, 2010
Misphrased AutoCAD Question
by: Anonymous


Thank you for your help. I may have mis-phrased my problem though.

What I meant to ask is, I wanted to create a pdf file out of my Autocad drawing, but I don't want to have my layer information included in said pdf file.

My earlier attempt was through using layer merge, but that didn't turn out so well, and you have explained more of the function as well.

Is there a function to simply print as pdf without including the layer information?


Jul 20, 2010
Please Repost AutoCAD Question with Image
by: Anonymous

I'm not sure if I'm following your layer problem.

Could you please rephrase your question and
re-post it here

Once there, please attach an image of your plotted drawing so I can see what you mean about layers appearing in the pdf.

Jul 29, 2010
Excluding PDF Layers in AutoCAD
by: Anonymous

I think this might be the answer you are looking for.

You go to the big Red A at the upper left, click on it, click on publish, publish options should come up. Set layer information to don?t include.

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