Cleaning Up Third Party AutoCAD Drawings with the Export Command

by Hector
(Dallas, TX, United States)

Have you ever received an AutoCAD file from another office that is bogged down information you don't need.

Every discipline imaginable has been added to the drawing, but you only need to see the buildings walls, doors, windows and basic architecture.

If you plan on just plotting what you need, then I suppose freezing off unwanted layers is the way to go, then simply plot.

But if you need to use the drawing file internally, and modify it for your company's needs, then the EXPORT command is your friend.

What I do first when I receive a drawing that has information overload, is freeze the layers I don't need using the Express Tool LAYFRZ (it looks like a little snowflake on the Express Tool bar).

Most of the drawings I get I can freeze off what I don't need to see, however, and I'm sure others can attest to this, there are many drawings I receive that contain entities drawn on layers from Timbuktu. So I always make sure to isolate layers first to make sure someone didn't put certain entities on the wrong layer, before I proceed.

Once I have the drawing looking like it should for my needs, I then use the EXPORT command to create another *cleaner* drawing file.

You could WBLOCK out your entities but I have found EXPORT to be the best at getting rid of those hidden unwanted objects, layers, fonts, etc. It is a real purger, if you will.

Give it a try!

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Nov 17, 2009
Export is the bomb
by: Anonymous

I only have a couple years of experience using AutoCAD, so I found your tip very useful.

I was spending hours trying to clean up files for our office by manually relayering, deleting objects, purging, over and over.

Using the Export command cut my time in half!

Thanks for the tip. Edgar

Nov 18, 2009
Cleaning Up Third Party AutoCAD Drawings with the LayWalk & LayTrans Command
by: Soopida

For isolating & checking Layers, I use the Laywalk command.

And after putting the entities on the right Layers, now it's time to transfer that entities to our company's Layer.

So I use the LayTrans command. But pay attention to the settings options. especially the "Force object linetype to by layer" check mark.

Because if there was any object that's Linetype is not "bylayer", you may loose the object's linetype after Laytrans.

For such cases you can use the Filter command.

For example, Circles on the "Column" Layer that are drawn with "Hidden" Linetype.

The Layer "Column" has "Continuous" Linetype.

So your filter will be something as follow:
**begin and
object = circle
layer = column
linetype = hidden
**end and

Hope these are helpful.

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