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Reassigning F1, CONVERTPSTYLES and more.
November 17, 2009

The CAD Times

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The CAD Times

AutoCAD Snap to Mid Between 2 Points

Before AutoCAD had this snap option, I used to have to draw lines to find the mid point of a room or an object that did not have an obvious mid or center snap point.

For instance, I want to move the following wall within this room to split the room exactly in half without dimensioning or doing any math. Read more...


One of the easiest ways I have created 3D text is by using the EXPLODE TEXT command in the Express Tools.

1. First thing you need to do is place some text in your drawing at the height and style you want. Read more...

Does F1 really help in AutoCAD?

Have you ever been just cruising along in a drawing; you know in a groove making great progress but you issue the wrong command and hit ESC?

No big deal right?

But if you are like me and hit ESC a couple of times... Read more...


What does the CONVERTPSTYLES command in AutoCAD do?

In our office we use a “Color Dependent” plot style when plotting. “Color dependent” is just what it sounds like; the color of an object determines how it is plotted. Read more...

Subscriber Section Tip!

Submitted by Hector
(Dallas, TX, United States)
You can submit YOURS here

Cleaning Up Third Party Drawings

Have you ever received an AutoCAD file from another office that is bogged down information you don't need.

Every discipline imaginable has been added to the drawing, but you only need to see... Read more...

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